MacHack 1997
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Hacks ’93
QuickDAT & datTime
Readme - QuickDAT⁄datTime
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QuickDAT™ and datTime™
by Richard Zulch and Stephan Somogyi
conceived of and written entirely during MacHack '93
What Is It
QuickDAT is a tool to move (not copy, move) the contents of a QuickTime movie
onto a DAT tape. It uses Retrospect 2.0 (or later, I guess) as an engine; it
will not work stand-alone.
datTime is an INIT (that does work stand-alone) that allows you to play back
the movie stored by QuickDAT.
What To Do
Moving the movie to DAT:
- Make sure you have a DAT drive connected, that it's on, and that it has a
tape in it. Any contents of the tape will be overwritten -- you've been
- Double-click on QuickDAT; this will launch Retrospect.
- Choose the movie you want to move to tape.
••• QuickDAT will irrevocably change the selected movie file -- don't use
QuickDAT on a movie that you don't have a backup of! •••
- Depending on the size of the movie, the process of moving may take quite
some time. QuickDAT will show a progress indicator while it's moving the
data to DAT.
- Once the movie's data has been moved successfully, QuickDAT will delete the
movie information from the original file. The resulting file will be much
smaller than it was before. However, keep the resulting file around, you
will need it to play back the movie from DAT.
Playing the movie back:
- Make sure you have QuickTime installed and that the datTime Extension
loaded at startup. You can see for certain whether it loaded successfully by
watching for its little icon at startup. If an error occurs, the little icon
will have an X through it.
- Make sure that the DAT drive is connected, that it's on, and that the DAT
with the movie data is in the drive.
- Double click on the movie file.
- That's all; the movie should play, and scooting the little QuickTime slider
around should work as well, albeit slowly.
Technology Caveats
QuickDAT (and therefore datTime) will only work on movies that are completely
self-contained. We have no idea what will happen if you try this with a movie
that has external references. We don't recommend that you try it and find out,
DAT drives (and tape drives in general) are not random access devices.
Playing a QuickTime movie sequentially will work just fine. Jumping back and
forth will be really, annoyingly slow.
On the other hand, you can now store about 2 gigabytes worth of movie onto a
$12 DAT tape instead of storing a 1 gig movie on a $1200 hard disk.
QuickDAT and datTime function well when used within their operational
parameters. This is to say that we got it all to work on the machines (and
with the DAT drive) we developed, debugged, and demoed on. If this software
works for you, more power to you; if it doesn't, don't blame us. If
something (anything) bad happens as a result of you trying to get it to
work, it's not our fault. After all, it's a hack.
If you want to get in touch with us
Richard Zulch
AppleLink: ZULCH.R
Stephan Somogyi
AppleLink: SOMOGYI
Internet: somogyi@macuser.ziff.com